Archive for the ‘bull shark’ Category

Bull Shark! and Scissortail Sergeants

February 1, 2017

Bull sharks and Scissortail Sergeants seen at Fiji Beqa Lagoon. Scissortail Sergeant Major fish are known, according to Wikipedia, to practice the wrongly named “filial cannibalism”, which is the practice of eating your own young. (Shouldn’t that be “paternal” or “parental” cannibalism? The Wikipedia article discusses the costs and benefits of such a barbaric practice in light of a variable food supply.

The bull sharks meanwhile have an interesting talent of tolerating freshwater. It has been reported that some have been seen in the Mississippi River as far north as Illinois.

This short video has remarkable quality and detail. You can see more of Mandy’s pics from Fiji at this Flickr album:

Meanwhile, why not consider some anchovy snacks w/ peanuts!